PC's or Personal Computers have been around for over 6 decades with its development into the technology behind computers being made every single day. Since the first creation of a computer dramatic changes and adjustments have been made from then till now, back when the first computers were around it would take an entire room to suffice the space needed for the computer to run, however with todays technology computers have been made as small as a tablet with 100x the advancement in technology and programming.
I will be taking a look at the developments which have been made over time and the features that PC's provide users today, looking at online & offline gaming and how older hardware has a factor on game play for newer games & programs, designed and developed today. Along with this I will be evaluating the effects of such hardware changes and how computers in the modern day have differed in terms of games 20 years ago.
I will be looking at offline gaming & Online Gaming:
First I will be looking at Offline Gaming:
Secondly I will be looking at Online Gaming: